Zoetis is dedicated to understanding the evolving needs of our customers. Each day, we commit ourselves to provide poultry producers and veterinarians with cost-effective solutions to manage disease, optimize flock performance, and drive profitability under sustainable conditions. We seek to drive innovative advances through R&D and strategic partnerships, and are committed to working with our customers to make sure they benefit fully from our broad portfolio of vaccines, feed additives, biodevices, and diagnostics. We also offer a comprehensive solution of Vaccine Manufacturing Devices (VMD) to meet the unique needs of human and animal flu vaccine manufacturers.
Below is a brief sampling of our poultry products and programs:
- A comprehensive line of vaccines designed to effectively combat many common diseases, including Marek’s disease, Newcastle disease, Salmonella, Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease
Feed Additives
- For the prevention and control of necrotic enteritis
Rotecc® Coccidiosis Management
- A customizable approach to rotation that uses best practices to help ensure you’re employing the right methods at the right time
Embrex® BioDevices
Inovoject® Vaccine Saver® system
- The global market leader for in ovo vaccine delivery solutions for the hatchery
Embrex® VMD
- Comprehensive solution of biodevices for the manufacture of human and animal flu vaccines for Vaccine Manufacturers
- A complete line of enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) kits for chicken and turkey vaccine monitoring and disease detection, including, but not limited to, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease, reovirus, avian influenza and Mycoplasma
Flu DETECT® Avian
- RIMTM (Rapid Immunomigration) assay for detection of avian influenza antigen from tracheal, cloacal, and oropharyngeal samples from a variety of avian species
Contact Us
Phone: +1-800-849-3372
International: +1-919-941-5185
E-mail: GP.Marketing@zoetis.com