Support our communities
Contribute 2,500 volunteer days (20,000 hours) annually in the communities we serve
![1. No Poverty](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-01.svg) |
Support veterinary professionals
Provide $1 million in scholarships to veterinary students annually, focusing on underrepresented groups where possible
Provide access to professional programs for veterinarians in all our markets
![4. Quality Education](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-04.svg)
![8. Decent Work and Economic Growth](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-08.svg)
Expand vet care access to underserved populations
Annually report on the number of pet owners reached through charitable programs and in-kind donations
![3. Good Health and Well-Being](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-03.svg)
Provide animal care in disaster relief
Annually report on the number of animals cared for through charitable programs and in-kind donations
![1. No Poverty](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-01.svg) |
Create a sustainable governance framework
Integrate sustainability into all strategic planning and resource allocation processes
Establish an effective approach to external sustainability disclosures
Support our Colleagues and cultivate a safe, flexible, diverse and inclusive workplace
Increase representation of women in senior management (Director +) to 40% by 2025 across Zoetis
Increase representation of people of color at all levels in the U.S. to 25% by 2025
• 5% Black U.S. colleagues by 2025
• 6% Latinx U.S. colleagues by 2025
Be a top 100 leader for workplace inclusion in key focus areas (women, people of color, LGBTQ+)
Commit to diverse slates and interview panels as we hire for all positions
![8. Decent Work and Economic Growth](//www.zoetis.com/_locale-assets/img/sustainability/2021/un/unsvg/un-08.svg)
Data included is as of February 2022