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Companion Animals Feature Stories

December 17, 2015

At our heart, Zoetis is about caring for animals – and some animals need a little more care than others. Adopting an animal from a shelter has many advantages.

Tags: Cats, Companion Animals, Dogs, Responsibility, Veterinarians
December 1, 2015

The African Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN), a global initiative to advance companion animal medicine in Africa, has made great progress in its first year.

Tags: Cats, Companion Animals, Dogs, Partnerships, Responsibility
October 19, 2015

Following four years of extreme drought conditions, California's vulnerability to wildfires fires has drastically increased. In mid-September, the Valley fires of Northern California destroyed an...

Tags: Cats, Companion Animals, Corporate, Dogs, People, Responsibility
October 14, 2015

Dr. Alejandro Bernal of Zoetis shares his insights on the growing importance of digital services to the success of veterinarians and livestock producers.

Tags: Companion Animals, Farm Animals, Veterinarians
September 8, 2015

Zoetis recently sponsored the DOGRUN event in Argentina, which aimed to raise awareness among dog owners about the importance of regular veterinary care for their pets.

Tags: Companion Animals, Animal Health, Zoetis, Dogs, Responsibility, Veterinarians, Corporate, Pets
August 3, 2015

First targeted antibody therapy approved for control of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis in dogs

Tags: Animal Health, Companion Animals, Dogs, Products & Services, Veterinarians, Zoetis, Itch, Itchy Dogs, USDA
July 30, 2015

Dr. Catherine Knupp, executive vice president and president of Research and Development at Zoetis, shares her insights on the value of innovation to both animal and human health.

Tags: Companion Animals, Corporate, Farm Animals, Research & Development
February 2, 2015

Launches First Educational Initiative and Lays Groundwork for the Creation of New Veterinary Associations in Sub-Saharan Africa

Tags: Cats, Companion Animals, Dogs, Partnerships, Responsibility

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